When he says: "Axe the tax", he means: "Scorch the Earth."
When he says: "Build the homes", he means: "Muzzle the MPs."
When he says: "Fix the budget", he means: "Cut the programs."
When he says: "Stop the crime", he means: "Suppress the rights."
This isn't #Freedom.
When he says: "Build the homes", he means: "Muzzle the MPs."
When he says: "Fix the budget", he means: "Cut the programs."
When he says: "Stop the crime", he means: "Suppress the rights."
This isn't #Freedom.
Things may have changed since.
That said, this did happen during the current federal government's tenure.
Protect our Pension
Heal our Healthcare
Can the Carpetbagger
PP won’t even get a security clearance, continue to hide from free speech and transparency and integrity!!!
Given the very inherent nature of this initiative, unfortunately and obviously, I will not be able to accommodate your request.
But I do agree with you that the very sight of him is unpleasant.
Axe the tax *also* means:
(while hurting most everyone else)