People who take valid criticism and turn it into “these must be haters because there is no way I could ever be wrong!” are fascinating... I hope the author has some ways to force them to take the story down, legal ones if need be.
bruh.. they want to go at this the hard way?? if we have a copy of a story that got taken down.. just keep it to yourself? As much as it's a good fic, just appreciate that they have a copy.
Bro it's not mean to say that you shouldn't be uploading other ppls content without their consent like that's just plain facts. Also I love it when people that are completely in the wrong pull out the "you're just arguing with a stranger on the internet get a life" that's how u know they're wrong
As someone who has seen authors delete fics and go dark to avoid violent homophobia from family members, I can't imagine being the person who selfishly decides to recreate the paper trail that could endanger someone.
Using "You're arguing with a stranger on the internet" in this way kind of implies they think the internet is a space where they're free from criticism. Wild.
As if morals somehow don't apply when you don't see the other person face to face.
People are still doing this? I reported someone like 10+ years ago for uploading one of my fave stories on FF dot net and they were not the OG author. The story was Ice Cold Princess by Sailor Nena and it was never on FF dot net. People are horrible for this. How hard is it to get permission?
There is a difference between, “Hey friend, I happen to have this file, I’ll share it with you!” and “Let me repost this entire thing despite the author clearly not wanting it publicly distributed.”
seriously. i pulled some of my fics iff AO3 because i published them on kindle unlimited. if KU finds free copies of my books floating around, theyll pull them offline and potentially close my author account. If someon does this to me it will literally destroy my source of income.
As if morals somehow don't apply when you don't see the other person face to face.
Sharing is caring, desecrating a grave is not.