Kinda fucked that they made him turned back into the beast just for this. He went into detail in his book about all the abuse he suffered from the studio around this time
and to think because of this moment, or more like because Beauty and the Beast got this far, the Academy Awards have since made it their life's mission to ensure no animated movie ever wins best picture by making a subcategory for only animated films
I love how Chip’s mouth is covered by the envelope when he says the winner because the animators couldn’t have known who won—just a neat little detail :3
The jarring transition to that dour human face, Greaves stiffly walking up to the stage, right after the shot of those expressive animated Disney characters, jeez
For the life of me, I can’t remember what his human form is supposed to look like. So it’s probably a net plus for his career that the curse relapsed on him.
Believe it or not, the two runner ups were BOTH 3rd year animation class teachers at Concordia University in Montreal, the year I made my film "Oink!" Chris Hinton was my teacher and mentor that year!
they only make him HOTTER