And did Joe Rogan THAT Joe Rogan who for some f'in reason has become the heir to "the pulse of what Americans really want" stand up for the millions and millions of Americans who since the 1930's have relied on this "Ponzi scheme" a concept of absolute peak of dumbfuckery because if it wasn't for
Greedy Politicians raiding the pot for every stupid pork project they wanted the social security system would actually be completely self sustained as it was intended? But because its funds have been so diverted like a river to other things it comes across that way to the average idiot.
I wish there was a forensic accountant group that would look into the Musk coffers to see how much he has swindled out of American tax payers. He is the greatest welfare recipient of all time and he should be removed from America, send him back to Sth Africa
Fuck you , Musk. You are not legally a part of the govt. You are a parasite. Stay away from our Social Security and Medicaid and Medicare. SS is NOT a Ponzi scheme. We’ve paid into it since we had our first jobs.
Leave. It. Alone.
Leave. It. Alone.