This is actually a wild occurrence because it’s showing us who on here actually would be against a full ass revolution, and who is too fucking institutionalized for action. Turns out we can’t rely on yall
I grew up in the Bronx, and anyone who told on anyone else, regardless of circumstances, was considered a snitch. As an adult, I generally keep that street code, but if you purposely commit a violent crime, you bet I’m snitching.
You break the humanity code, I’ll break the street code.
That old 2 wrongs don't make a right certainly has weight. I wouldn't want people to be shy of leadership because they feared for their own lives but I can't stand that America is full of people who say they are prolife but progun and anti universal healthcare? This shit just doesn't add up!?
Going to have to disagree with you on this one—technically, turning in anyone for anything makes you a “snitch”; The dictionary literally defines it as ‘to inform’.
Murder is indeed very bad, which is why we have developed a sort of social contract where people of all stripes can pursue long, healthy, fulfilling lives without the need to resort to---oh... oh no...
well, this isn't a pipe either, so
but seriously, since we're at the guillotine stage of democracy, you're going to have some contradictions to work through.
“Mr Mangione was detained by police at 09:58 local time (14:58 GMT) after being recognised by a customer at the fast-food outlet, who flagged their concern to an employee who then called local police.”
You break the humanity code, I’ll break the street code.
"Aiding the upper class will always be met with fine-print f*ck-yous"
She won't collect the money because she called 911 & not crime stoppers. Even if they relent, you only get the money upon conviction (after appeals).
so some enterprising russian throws vlad out of a window, but someone sees and tells. snitch ok then?
just establishing some boundaries..
but seriously, since we're at the guillotine stage of democracy, you're going to have some contradictions to work through.
Turning in your buddy who was in on it to avoid consequence does