if I was them, I would sue. It's a political purge, and our courts should protect civil servants too from this level of retribution. I know where we are, but this is just horrible.
Got to get that revenge on anyone that has tried to hold him accountable - what a lawless POS. The only comfort I have is knowing that I live in a blue state, and really that is only a slight comfort because he also wants revenge on all blue states. Gov Pritzger is trying his best!!
Doesn't seem to be the only one today I've barely had time to call Senators about the Treasury mess and am about to start again. Good thing the number is on speed dial😹😹😹
FBI agents
GOP is now a synonym for Mafia!
"That same Tuesday, March 21, an Article 48 decree was issued amnestying National Socialists convicted of crimes, including murder, perpetrated “in the battle for national renewal.” Men convicted of treason were now national heroes." https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/01/hitler-germany-constitution-authoritarianism/681233/?gift=XhRUJ7N8cqLzyGLvBcR0bS5GZiIOz1lbwXHelrkJv3Y&utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share