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Ka āhei i (subject) te (verb) ….? The rest follows the active sentence structure.
Example: “Ka āhei i a au te taraiwa i tēnei tīpa ki runga i te arawhata o te Pāremata (May I drive this jeep onto the Parliament’s steps)?”
#tereoMāori #tereo #kikorangi
Ka āhei i (subject) te (verb) ….? The rest follows the active sentence structure.
Example: “Ka āhei i a au te taraiwa i tēnei tīpa ki runga i te arawhata o te Pāremata (May I drive this jeep onto the Parliament’s steps)?”
#tereoMāori #tereo #kikorangi
Mō taku hē, kei te ako tonu au i te reo Māori.