Become a minimalist. Serious. Only buy what is absolutely nessacery and nothing else. I spent my 20s barely scraping by and was living this way by default.
I don't have any credit cards, haven't since 07. But you don't need to live minimally. I buy most of my stuff at the flea market, the great underground economy where corporate gets $0.00. Always surprising how many things are brand new in the box.
I think it will get their attention, if nothing else. They need to understand that a lot of us are angry and anything that snaps them out of their complacency is not a bad thing, I think. Personally, I don't make purchases with any routine (I'm retired so my schedule is both open and erratic).
Pull cash out of the bank.
Use the cash for local purchases.
Do no online shopping.
Use no app delivery services.
Call for a cab intead of using Uber.
Pay with cash.
Do it for a month.
Cancel all credit cards.