My brother in Christ you need to listen to Olivia Dean. I swear to god she makes some of the best pop music out there. I will make you a playlist if you have Spotify.
Man said he wants new music and you suggest a 10 and 12 year old album 😭 I mean TPAB is literally one of the best albums of all time to be fair lol but still he probably has heard of those
Dylan Dunlap
The Neighborly
Kendrick Lamar and Tyler are still🔥
Always down for Breaking Benjamin and Disturbed
If you haven't heard of Poloshirt, they have a nice sound. Pinned upon and Basic are good.
My workout mix has a broad mix of classics: Metallica, Tool, Eminem, Rob Zombie, Disturbed, etc.
But listen to this album if you get the chance
Holy Ghost
the ghost inside-with the wolves
chapel roan-after midnight
parkway drive- sleepwalker
But personally ive been tuning steve lacy the guy is great