EUGH it’s kind of nice in a depressing way to think he might use them, so he doesn’t have to go crawling back to v begging for a knot after “destroying” a few things for his “attempt” to “stop” him.
But he also likes their song and dance, reminds them of their old lab arguments with less blood.
But he also likes their song and dance, reminds them of their old lab arguments with less blood.
He’s changed the layout of his house twice to make it safer(?). The itch under his skin is confusing and upsetting.
His chest aches.
It kinda hurts that V doesn’t check in but he doesn’t deserve that, does he? He’s a coward, after all. Let the world talk for him enough, yeah?
Jokingly, he thinks, maybe there is some benefit to removing his flesh and replacing it with metal because this sucks.
But life goes on.
Caitlyn came over with coffee and he threw up from the scent alone. Hazel nut isn’t even an offensive smell but it left him reeling.
She gave him a Look and he shook his head.
“I’m still getting over that cold.”
“Mhm, Vi says—“
“Yeah, yeah. I know. I’m not eating that poison you call a soup again.”
“It should help.”
It does help, that’s the problem.
It always helped when /he/ would make it for him.
He doesn’t want that right now.