Incorrect. The designated survivor has to wait for several people to die in a horrible tragedy before they take power over the Country. Putin is already in charge.
" MARS TRUMP " amer_ichas GOD OF WAR dons his battle gear , displays Putin's deco's earned and prepares to launch his defensive moves on the border.....HAIL DOGSHIT DONNIE , poop poop de doo !
I would not have been surprised AT ALL if Putin would have been the guest of honor tonight. I half expected it. Dark days lie ahead. I do not think we can even imagine what they have already decided they will do to us. They are so, so evil.
They idiots probably don’t even know about that. Won’t someone please put forth a bill to lift the burden of ineligibility for federal office, as is clearly, self-evident in Article 14, Section 3.
My previous post and this provide a true post-Cold War narrative arc for Trump's dual mafia and political destiny in relation to our state capture by Moscow.
It’s like we are all living in an alternate universe.
My previous post and this provide a true post-Cold War narrative arc for Trump's dual mafia and political destiny in relation to our state capture by Moscow.
So good!