People these days can hit a billion or so through being a successful artist, sports star, or a more traditional way of winning the lottery (similar odds). Still tends to cause situational narcissism, but you can at least still be human.
Exponentially above that and you earned it through blood.
He employs thousands of people, sends rockets into space more efficiently and cost effectively than NASA, provided internet service to folks in the flood disaster and folks who have no wired infrastructure, provides a platform for free speech without censorship oversight by the current commie regime
NASA has always paid companies to build rockets for them. And for the last decade hasn’t even done that. Elon created a cheaper taxi, which is helpful, but he hasn’t delivered anything we didn’t already have.
The companies that are constantly being sued for racism? The companies he fights to stop from unionizing? The companies he forces to return to work despite a plethora of data showing it actually decreases productivity and makes workers unhappy?
You. Are. A. Sheep. He hoards his wealth contributing to an already unbalanced system. He chooses this willingly. His actions and those like him that do the same shit will cause human society to implode.
He can do what he wants with his wealth, he made it on his own. He provides a lot of paychecks to thousands of tax paying citizens. His businesses pay a lot of taxes to the municipalities they are in.
He does a lot more for our country than most.
The person who, at much less money, but what you could call honestly earned, COULD have gone down as a mensch and instead is a villain, is Jowling.
Dolly Parton is a saint. One of very few.
But there really is a difference between even a billionaire, at this point, and centibillionaire.
Exponentially above that and you earned it through blood.
Or, as in the Musk family, both.
So a person would have to choose unethical over ethical behavior for the sole purpose of acquiring that much wealth.
Do you realize all the companies he owns and makes a lot of money from?
His profile verification company is ex-mossad and then hired another one just recently.
You wanna trust this guy, go ahead....
Elon musk os doing incredible things.
Blah blah blah
He sounds like an angel.
He does a lot more for our country than most.