Not really because by September, Schumer’s cowardice would have helped Trump’s anti-constitution march progress. I assume it’s because Trump wants to stick it to Gaza instead of try for A duel state solution.
How about dumping the coward and putting someone in like Bernie in his place? We need A fighter, not an appraiser, and Schumer has forgotten the lessons of WW2 when Jews thought they could appease Hitler. Lord Chamberlain thought that Hitler would stop too, and now is A name in the world for idiocy.
The people need a leader. He has been weak for months when people are begging for action. Then he hands Trump a victory without even a whimper. He must go.
Wrong he lost the ability to effectively lead the party long ago and yesterday he lost the base. Read the article. Yesterday just validated what many have been privately saying for a long time. What misplaced is loyalty to a man who cannot lead effectively during the crisis of our lifetimes