When Canada makes the USA the 11th province, aren’t we (the USA) gonna have to add French as an official language. Better wait on all of those street signs !
All I can say is I’ve been angry since November, with daily fuel to stoke it. It’s good to have situational awareness. “We stand on guard for thee”. I’m ready.
Time for the country to take a defensive posture in defense spending and foreign policy, especially with Europe. Good suppliers there and real allies, unlike the Disjointed States.
Keep sharing this because it is vital to understanding this moment.
The timing of his entry into politics after this trip, the one position he’s held firm on (at odds with past presidents of both political parties) and the unraveling of the post-WW II world order.
I think we'd better think seriously about their likely plan to carve us up between them.
We need serious weapons and to convince the EU and Britain that it is in their best interests to support us as well as Ukraine
Russia is IN Canada. Kirill Kilinin. Door opened decades ago: T***p Tower, Toronto = Harper/Rob Ford. They're still here.
Sanctioned Russian Oligarch, Oleg Deripaska partnered with Doug Ford on the Ontario Line subway expansion. I would wager a bet that they are also in on the Ontario Place "Spa"/2
which in reality is going to be a Casino, perfect for bringing in cash, drugs, guns via Lake Ontario. The Italian mob is in Ontario: they live comfortably in Ontario & with Doug Ford's friendship, have received taxpayer $$ to build hospitals with their names on them, incl drunk driver/murderer/3
Muzzo. The mob runs the Ports: in Vancouver, Montreal, Prince Rupert, Halifax, St. John, Quebec, Port of Cartier, Sydney, NS. ONTARIO: Mississauga, Oakville, Weller, Hamilton, Toronto.
Crime is up under Doug Ford. He's also buddies with biker gangs. Is ANYONE WATCHING FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT? Ford is
buddies with police & police unions. The Convoy would NOT have been successful w/o Ford's connections in the OPP... Ontario has a serious mob problem... Canada has not listed the "Mafia" on their 'Terrorist Entity' list...
The usa is completely surrounded by Canada And Mexico and after that there is the entire British Commonwealth.
Speaking of which, why the fuck is King Fucking Chuck no where to be seen or heard?
Hey Charlie! You are the head of state of Canada.
Whatcha doing?
Any thoughts?
Which is why Trump's threats to our borders and his statement that the US wouldn't help us are so worrisome.
Putin wants the Arctic, trump wants our water... we CAN NOT let pp into the PM seat!!!!!!!
It's not just that they have bigger balls: our laws are less conducive, and the two-party system and vote thresholds impossible to reach for years now, especially in the senate. We are living in a captured nation. Most of us want this madness to end and to improve relations and lives.
75% of the country want him out. Take notes of how this happened. Hate was given a voice, dumbing down people so they can control the narrative w/o questions, religion bought their way in, greed, people not knowing how government works didn't vote, republicans threw out votes in areas dense (1/2)
w/ppl of color, no accountability for crimes, it's a 500 pg book worth of how we got here. The people who can stop this are allowing ALL of this. They are celebrating with him. He is only 1 mo 10 days in office. The best we have now is someone "🔪ing" him, vance, and johnson. no joke (2/2)
Including Ezra Levant, Postmedia columnists, Freedom Convoy types, Conservative party members, Doug Ford and Ontarians, Scott Moe and Saskatchewan folks, Danielle Smith and Albertans, and a bunch of ex-Canadian social media misfits around the world like Orr, Gretzky, O'Leary, Peterson.
Not ALL of Ontario, SK or AB. But enough that the people of those provinces voted in right wingers with ties to Trump and Musk (and Putin by default). Fuck, ON voted in a majority piece of shit government.
We do have a problem with beguiled and gullible provinces. Trump’s erratic behaviour will not end. Canada’s “right wing” begins when incompetent candidates are elected in ridings. “Incompetent” = incapable of understanding the nuances of government policies.
It's also important to remember that while, say BC has 8% willing to be absorbed by the US, Alberta's result is 20%! And that the percentage of Conservatives willing to be absorbed is FAR greater than that of Liberals. And yes, incompetent politicians prey on a much-too-credulous population.
That keeps me up at night. Russians had no qualms about firing on their friends and relatives in Ukraine, so you *know* they won't hesitate, and I've heard "Americans would never obey orders to fire on canadians" but I'm sure Ukrainians would advise we don't take that to heart.
American media has parroted that if a dictator ever came to power, they would be swiftly deposed. And it's been proven to be complete BS. Their entire government is comprised into lack of action. Expect their words to be just as worthless.
We are a Commonwealth Country, we have many countries in our Commonwealth. We are loved by our NATO allies. This is why countries need strong respected world leaders with established relationships around the globe. To your point: that is why our quality of life depends on the choice of our next PM.
Hard to know where Britain and Australia will land rn. I do expect to see an increase in countries with nukes though. Definitely need a defense industry apart from the us.
Yes, but the UK has joined the AUKUS intelligence alliance with the US (and Australia). And Starmer specifically didn't back Canada publicly when meeting with Trump the other day.
So, the UK may back Ukraine, but they seem less likely to back Canada.
Forgetting a whole host of EU countries. namely Poland (huge military and spending 5% GDP per year on it - they see the writting on the wall), Spain, Italy, Chekia etc..
I don't really know if she's that facist. She seems to get a long with jt well and has contradicted trumpet a few times.but i'm not sure,don't have an Italian background.If they're like Spain though( very very socialist)even slightly right of center (by our standards)may be labeled far right.
There is another meeting in Europe tomorrow, Trudeau will be there. Things are happening in new alliance talks. We probably just are not being told all of it for security reasons. The process started some time ago.
Exactly! Unlike Trump , this is not a reality show for the EU and Canada. I just hope that they will have the courage to take important action even if it displeases some people. they must show their seriousness.
Maybe time to start thinking about military buildup whether we like it or not. Whether we can ‘afford’ it or not. But all purchases must be from other than US. It can be done.
we nee to start making nukes. we have the resources and the know how. strengthen our military, sure, but we simply don't have the numbers for it to be an effective deterrent. we need our own nukes.
The timing of his entry into politics after this trip, the one position he’s held firm on (at odds with past presidents of both political parties) and the unraveling of the post-WW II world order.
And I suppose technically on the South side it's the Russian colony of Western Dumbfuckistan. But you know, you're not that wrong.
We need serious weapons and to convince the EU and Britain that it is in their best interests to support us as well as Ukraine
Sanctioned Russian Oligarch, Oleg Deripaska partnered with Doug Ford on the Ontario Line subway expansion. I would wager a bet that they are also in on the Ontario Place "Spa"/2
Crime is up under Doug Ford. He's also buddies with biker gangs. Is ANYONE WATCHING FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT? Ford is
Speaking of which, why the fuck is King Fucking Chuck no where to be seen or heard?
Hey Charlie! You are the head of state of Canada.
Whatcha doing?
Any thoughts?
Putin wants the Arctic, trump wants our water... we CAN NOT let pp into the PM seat!!!!!!!
They are free to find accommodation in the USA.
Just spitballing 😈😈
I don't think we yet know who our allies are. Hopefully we have some...
A suggested list of people to ask:
New Zealand
-UK (Starmer made his choice)
-Australia (partnered with US on intel)
So, the UK may back Ukraine, but they seem less likely to back Canada.
Italy, maybe not, though. They have a fascist government right now.
Worse than that, she denies Italy's fascist past was actually fascist.
But Russia surrounds 90% of us, let's say.
Oh, and the Fascist States of Russia and America want to annex Greenland. So there's that.