Encouraging!!! If we can get our Demicrscy back, we must correct so many institutions and tax the billionaires. Grow the middle class and expand our social safety nets.
Hopefully all of the Syrian people will come together and have a truly democratic government. That said there was a lot of optimism in the Arab world during the Arab Spring that was ultimately betrayed. Hope this works out better.
Even with ups and downs, the US is directionally correct. There are tensions between the myth and the practice.
e.g. At the founding there was slavery (and more) which was horrible, but spoke of equality.
Modern states need to learn lessons from history and push for even more equality and freedom.
Do you have any independent verifikation with prof of being from victims tortured in the prison? Could easily being fraud in order to show the world: "Look her all world and see for yourself we was right about Assads prison"
Yeah we often see lately covering up the worst bloody terrorist on UN terror list and glorify them as liberators, but that's the purpose of Western propaganda. And by the way Holocaust is a matter of fact but today it's an industry used to cover up the slaughterhouse of tyran Netanyahu among others.
May the light of which this daughter speaks be a laser beam or series of missile strikes driving the ennabling Russian mercenaries out of Syria as well.
And especially as we’re little more than a month out from the US embracing the same darkness and self serving from Trump and his appointees. Here the tank is disabled. In the US Trump is proposing to use the military against the weakest in society. Jails open their doors in Syria. And in the States?
Make sure! HTS is not Taliban! The West orphaned the Syrian Revolution and so let Islamists in. But supporting new Syrian Govt to meet basic neeeds of Syrians, on basis of moderation will ensure the dynamic stays moderate in Syria. Remember the regional dictatorships do not want Syria to succeed !!
Now we know that supporting democracy abroad supports the democratic ideal at home. US messed up on Arab Spring. US democracy may be lost to Trump 2.0. Now Europe needs support Syria to keep government legitimate,in return for moderation. Change the status quo in MENA, because it is going to change.
Already the media turns to tropes about Islamists,and we will see what will happen. Makes me angry. Syrian Revolution was left to die by the West. The least we can do is ensure that the new government gains legitimacy by meeting basic needs of Syrians, in return for moderation. Europe get involved!
If the young lady is allowed to live her life as she chooses all will be well for Syria, if she is forced to cover up and walk two steps behind a man only darkness awaits her
The signals coming from HTS' leadership give cautious optimism wrt. pluralism in Syria, incl. women's rights ("can dress as they like").
History may not give us much optimism, but people are so fed up with tyranny, that anyone trying to introduce a new one is likely to feel the wrath of the people.
There is a link, Obama-Biden hindered the Syrian Revolution or drip fed it weapons, because it was cynically mature foreign policy to keep the status quo in MENA region. Great words in public, betrayal behind the scenes. Now we know supporting democracy abroad supports the ideal at home.
Thank you for sharing the video.
e.g. At the founding there was slavery (and more) which was horrible, but spoke of equality.
Modern states need to learn lessons from history and push for even more equality and freedom.
or at least something resembling promise
not expecting it though
What's there not to celebrate, right? Right?
The world have had it with dictators and religious nutcases.
We want peace and prosperity and that is quiet easy, if we can quell personal ambition of the would-be leaders.
I sound like a hippie, I know
"Verily! Man is in a loss!"
The only issue is, is that are those who come next to replace him going to be even worse ?
Islamists are never the answer to any political problem.
History may not give us much optimism, but people are so fed up with tyranny, that anyone trying to introduce a new one is likely to feel the wrath of the people.
Stunning what the regime has perpetrated upon their own people.
Assad needs to stand trial in The Hague⚖️