"In just a few minutes, the behavior of Donald Trump and J. D. Vance created a brand new stereotype for America: not the quiet American, not the ugly American, but the brutal American"
Trump, Vance & their acolytes are beneath contempt.
in other countries in the world people have different stereotypes
Yes! And, the entire Congressional GOP cult dutifully knuckles under.
We all know this Trump | Vance and MAGA have got enough cruelty in their own but actually dislike Russia.
But know… …they became buddies.
First, a cognitive revolution to fight against them. Next, they will retaliate with force. And then we're at the real inflection point.
He was in Vietnam and in Abu Graib and Guantanamo
That failure, has negatively impacted the rest of the world. Except in Russia and its allies.
So there is a group responsibility for what has happened.
And yes, the Biden/Harris debacle was ridiculous.
But I suspect the game is too rigged now (gerrymandering, scotus, etc).
The ghosts of the Vietnamese babies who died in screaming agony as Napalm burned thru living flesh would like a word
ntm the People of Angola living under Savimbi, or the people of Indonesia or Greece after the coups
are you sure you know anything about post WWII history ?
Now we can all see and live directly as they are. And it was always like that. So far, only behind the camera.
Law enforcement, intelligence services, the military, the courts, patriotic law markers and civil society together must RISE UP right now
Oui. Though, I wonder what the polling looked like a year ago...
That has changed Eu view of what Americans are as opposed to what they say they are
No one on earth has ever said that about Americans. Ever.
“It is not for sale,” he said. “Let me put it in words you might understand, Mr. Trump: F— off.”
‘Random Country’ Comment
Live my retirement in. How is this our reality now? How is he not in jail? We stabbed our allies in the back. Those idiots are saying to quit NATO. Orwell ain’t got nuthin on us ….it is an upside down and inside out reality
Remember that Patton wanted Allied forces to head east to Moscow; he saw Russia as the one future adversary. Overruled by Ike.
It’s about greed and isolationism.
Which history tells us doesn’t work!
It’s a cult of ignorance.
2022: We support Ukraine unanimously and their fight against Putin’s invasion.
2025: We re-elect a felon/rapist beholden to Putin and he attempts to withdraw our support?