Durbin’s formula for personal success:
Vote with Republicans
Vote against the interests of constituents
Throw hands in air as if there’s nothing you can do
So you supported the republicans by voting yes on the continuing resolution. I’ve been voting for you since I was 18. How much did you sell us out for? I’m ready to see you primaried.
The fact he isn’t out there talking about it says it all. Durbin saw how Schumer couldn’t explain the vote and he knows he can’t either. A person who has “been taken” will gladly defend their stupidity; he is hiding
you made this happen, you dumb fuck. resign and fade into obscurity. you're an utter failure and you should be afraid to show your face in illinois ever again.
Senator Dick Durbin should be renamed “Dismantling Dick” because he voted for the republican spending bill that empowered Musk to destroy our democratic institutions. He is personally responsible for the chaos and suffering that ensues, which we will never forget.
He’s doing this on purpose to bankrupt the country so oligarchs can buy everything cheaply. We are heading hard towards autocracy. I’m expecting you to fight for all your worth or step aside. You might be too decent for this fight.
Then why did you vote to fund his administration? We told you he was going to do this. He told you he was going to do this. Why don't you understand you let thus happen? Resign.
He destroyed his legacy and is scared to show himself. He will never be accepted back in Illinois like he was his entire life. He might as well move to a red state honestly.
@durbin.senate.gov and @schumer.senate.gov have tacitly endorsed this formula, standing behind a keyboard fingerwaving while making sure these types of events keep happening unchecked. What fools.
Well good thing you voted Yes on all those cabinet appointments and cloture on the toxic budget. Good job, 10/10 no notes someone primary this out of touch geriatric. (signed, an IL geriartric who's fcking had it)
Your formula for greatness is just as broken - give all your power to the autocrats, and repeal free speech protections on the internet under false pretenses. Fuck you, you DICK.
Good thing you're going to repeal Section 230 to give him control over the internet too, you fucking dipshit. You're an embarrassment to our state and our country. Having nobody in your seat would be better than you, "nobody" wouldn't be able to constantly roll over on us.
Vote with Republicans
Vote against the interests of constituents
Throw hands in air as if there’s nothing you can do
What a fool
Remember the budget, the one where you handed him everything he asked for?
We are watching. We won’t forget.
#WeThePeople are #TheResistance 🗽
The Senator's statement is, at best, specious. More likely, it's calculated obfuscation. This Senator knows the Senate rules.
Republicans have no reservation objecting to unanimous consent to block Democratic initiatives.
Yet, this Senator never objects.
Capitulate & complain.
Republicans = Action
Senate Democrats need to follow the McConnell playbook. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. Put the lose/lose situations on the Republicans.
As a constituent, I ask for you to retire as it appears you may not have what is needed for this moment.
Please have a town hall. I’d like to know what your plan is to fight this?
Suggestion: Please work with your colleagues to replace @schumer.senate.gov as minority leader.
We need someone who can mobilize us.
Just like we asked Biden to step down but we did so too late, which is why we lost.
Let’s not make that mistake again.
Just retire now, boomer.