Hard evidence please. Don’t say China. Individual liberty and sovereignty r the only way. Majority will not accept doing more quality work than others but given the same portions as a bum with pals of higher class. I suppose you think one day only good people will exist and will not allow injustice
I’m guessing you’re a bot and assuming I’m promoting communism or something? I literally said I don’t condone communism, but it’s a very real thing and has produced a very successful economy and not acknowledging that is ignorant. You want evidence but are disregarding my evidence. What do you want?
Not a bot. The economy it bore is hard core failing and doesn’t serve any greater good. I see your point. It’s just not fleshed out. Needs more philosophical debate and uncensored data.
Do you honestly think communist governments care about the happiness of their people and they believe that they are failing because of that? No…the communism they have enacted is working exactly as intended. Saying it doesn’t work is incorrect. That doesn’t mean it’s good for its citizens.
What is the point of a government that doesn’t care about its people?! The communism they enacted is not working. They are failing. Suicide catch nets around buildings. Military slave labor camps. Censorship out of control. So you split hairs on the basis it’s working for the gov but not the people?
I’m saying it’s working as intended. I don’t assume that the Chinese government is trying to make their people happy. I’m not agreeing with it. You would realize that if you weren’t triggered for no reason.