Brand new Vanguard tale starring Lovataar and Saarn going on a diplomatic visit to SCP-4036 and everything does not go well
#scp #creativewriting
#scp #creativewriting
Words cannot describe how much i love this series. When i got back into SCP stuff i've had a newfound interest in Nälkä stuff (it didn't catch me before sadly), but i've grown to love these biopunk flesh wizards a lot
Overall i can say your works are always awesome Grigori. Ion bless you and pls never stop writing stories
Thank you!
Don’t you worry, there will be more coming and even an 001 that is Sarkic focused, co-written by Metaphysician! (Which will be important for the Vanguard series as it answers some big questions that I want to incorporate)
Stay tuned!
Challenge the status quo, while also making fun adventure stories with grounded characters