Memory: when we were teenagers my dad taught a course in England and brought us along (me & my twin brother). Afterwards, we visited dad’s beloved friend Renzo in Italy and at the end of the trip, we got a lift to the airport for the 26 hour flight back to Australia. As we left, Renzo handed us…
I showed my unopened bagged snacks from Bangkok to the gentleman and expected him to ok them, glance at my papers and wave me through. /1
Putting me back to slightly further from immigration than I'd been before I had my stroke of genius.
I put it to "sleep" and brought several small containers of it back to Australia.
I couldn't find any government info online that said I couldn't.
I still feed it and use it.
These days it's legal to import up to 10kg of cheese in your luggage!
I'd recommend good wrapping and full declaration at Customs ...
(No people or laptops were harmed)
I told him ‘isn’t that going to look exactly like C4?’
He pointed out that it definitely isn’t a liquid and continued packing.
TSA agrees that pimento cheese looks like C4.