Das war von Anfang an eine inszenierte Demütigung. Der Start: Selbstbesoffene Kretins fallen über den Mann her, der mit verzweifeltem Mut versucht, die Zukunft seines Landes zu retten. Was picken sich dümmliche Schulhofbullys als erstes raus: Deine Klamotten sind doof!
Putin hat echt absurde Minions
Putin hat echt absurde Minions
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
GLENN: Why don't you wear a suit? You're at the highest level in this country's office & you refuse to wear a suit. A lot of Americans have problems with you not respecting the office.
ZELENSKYY: I will wear a costume after this war will finish. Maybe something like yours. Maybe something better.
ZELENSKYY: I will wear a costume after this war will finish. Maybe something like yours. Maybe something better.