i just think he sometimes enjoys intentionally not being patient with people. sometimes we are too patient, so he's not always wrong to create those fiery situations.
Maybe, I just think is cringe that if you say anything close to what 4thot has stated about a woman, you would get insta banned, and it would not matter if it was against someone like Kelly Jean (thats 4thot's excuse)
If his comments are only directed towards Kelly then no I don't think so. I think all of us would say horrid things to someone we hate regardless of their gender.
Kelly is just the current flavor. 4thot is a total idiot and narcissist. Thinks everything he does is edgy comedy but he’s just being a prick. Regardless of his ability to mod which is the reason Tiny keeps him, there has to be better alternatives. Tiny just doesn’t want to bother looking
Got it. So basically he is too busy/lazy to find someone else just as good as 4thot to replace. Think Dan can be annoying enough for him to do something about it? Or is it just making him dig his heels in more about it?
I see him as more neutral. He never defends 4thots actions (except one off jokes about it not mattering when it’s Kelly Jean). He just doesn’t care enough.
Seeing the picture now. Unless you have the majority of the community complaining about 4thot I can see why he wouldn't care. Especially if 4thot is really good at his job.
I think he is a big piece of shit, but he is a piece of shit to everyone equally. He should not only be demoted but also ignored by everyone who doesn't enjoy watching people act up like giant pieces of shit at every opportunity. Might be a incel but I think it's just him being a piece of shit loser
No and it’s so obvious that this is just an agenda related to mod status. It’s wild that the discourse is “women don’t feel safe here”. I feel perfectly safe in this community and I don’t like being spoken for.
Ya, you can't just send the unhinged messages between him and Kelly to pxie and claim it's for all women. I'm sure a lot, destiny included, have unhinged logs that would make people uncomfortable if taken out of the entire context of their being.