"We can disagree about if you or loved ones deserve rights and still be friends!". They talk as if they're not actually discussing HUMAN rights, rather some mundane shit like pineapple on pizza. Because they don't see these people as human. And they don't see the issue with that.
There's a Sonic fan I see on Twitter from time to time. I don't follow her, but because I also like Sonic, she'll randomly show up. She's most definitely a Trump fan, and I saw that she recently retweeted something with this image... It hasn't even been a day.
The fact that those idiots think that basic human rights and empathy towards minorities is something that can be disagreed upon makes my stomach churn, this isnt a fucking pizza topping, these are other human beings with goddamn SOULS, fuck those people and their stupid ass ideologies man
I still try and live by this image as much as I can. Cheers there's others out there who stride to connect despite the differences we have. Good on ya, all the same. *tips hat*
We can disagree on what toppings go on pizza, or who best girl or best boy is, but if someone tries to tell me trans rights aren't human rights we are going to have a problem
sucks how this is gonna be used in the complete wrong context. there's a difference between "we can get along, even if we have different views on [insert thing here]", and "we can get along, even if i'm backing a political figure who Wants You Dead."
Depending on the situation.
Anyone who sends me this is getting blocked.
Anyone who tells me this is getting their teeth knocked out.
Not exaggerating, not playing, I've wanted to punch someone for a LONG time!
I can disagree with my friend who likes beer while i prefer fruity drinks, i cannot be friends with someone who wants to deport all my other friends for no fucking reason.
It called spreading the truth as u live under a democracy where u choose to live in a country where ppl have the right to vote against your best interest and values and vice versa
This shit pisses me off so much cuz I ain't disagreeing on music taste or favourite fast food joint, or even normal political things like taxes and public spending... It's fucking basic human rights and not electing an intended dictator.
Human rights are not up for debate.
Deportation? No
Anyone who sends me this is getting blocked.
Anyone who tells me this is getting their teeth knocked out.
Not exaggerating, not playing, I've wanted to punch someone for a LONG time!
Clashing ideology isn't a disagreement. Its you telling me you're fine with the people I love suffering and dying alone. I cannot look past that.