I love bg3's systems. Don't really get the complaints about the magic systems. Certainly it could do with being a little more lenient, but the characters would be absolutely busted if they weren't limited a bit.
Or maybe I just don't understand the systems well enough but I played 200 hours lol
If you make the spells not broken you don't have to make it so all or nothing
Like a third of the spells are designed to make the target skip their turn, which is an insane thing to allow to happen, so you have to make it a coin flip
Or you could just not do that
I don't find myself running out of the lower level spells very often and there are ways to restore them without resting. Its just the high level ones that occasionally tick me off, if only because they're cool and I wanna use them more often, not even just to make it easier
It would be more fun if we could cast more high level spells, but I think the game would be less enjoyable if you could reliably speed potion and double chain lighting on the first turn of combat.
I suppose so. Dunno, it's never bothered me. A lot of the spells I never touch, I mostly stick to my favorites. Im not an especially smart or strategic player. The variety and situational applications are very welcome though still.
Simplifying the conditions and bonus/penalties without simplifying the structure plays into this too. There just aren’t enough mechanical dials to play with so effects represent huge jumps in power. There’s no way to represent a partial or lesser turn skip.
5e has the issue of being incredibly unbalanced to the point that it's just goofy. DMs have to go out of their way to rework things so that players can play the completely trashed character they have in mind while still feeling impactful on the world.
BG3 put a lot of video game mechanic balances in place to negate a lot of that, which is why I think it worked out so well.
Also honorable mention to the SW5E project that took almost everything tedious or unbalances about 5e and made it better and more fun, even if you play non-SW content.
But seriously, any system can be fun. I still like Pathfinder 1E, personally, with all its warts, but no one will let me be a player because of the characters I make.😆
Had a great time with BG3. Original BG got me into pretty much everything I'm into (computers, writing, role-playing...)
Buuuuut, yeah. D&D has a ton of issues that make it an uninteresting system for me now.
Balance is irrelevant, but magic solves everything, especially at later levels. D20 is simple, but the probability "curve" is pretty boring. 5E in particular has almost no risk mitigation or tactical choices due to bounded accuracy.
It can't decide if it's RP forward or mechanics forward. Combat has no lethality after level 1 or 2 for most PCs. It's a game that has evolved consistently towards being everything to everyone, and so lacks any clear design goal, making it kinda boring to many who've experienced other options.
I've had fun with D&D over the years, but I don't run it anymore and prefer to not play it. There are soooo many better and more interesting game systems at both ends of the crunch and fluff spectrum.
4e had its issues but god, I lauded how it chose a focus -- fun tactical skirmishes where every player had varied options -- and designed around it. It was brave where 5e celebrates its own cowardice.
Oh I'm absolutely certain it's an inherited problem that carries through every single edition because it's a fundamental balance issue of How Spells Work in DND
Every spell is either dogshit or broken as hell and has to be balanced by some stupid mechanic that just blanks it
Either the spell works and you functionally win, or it doesnt and you wasted your turn and your spell slots
Baldurs gate 3 only barely makes this bearable by letting you long rest almost whenever you want
Just make the spells less strong Jesus Christ!!
Yeah 5e's save or suck philosophy is really not great. I do like pf2e's degrees of success where spells with saves still have an effect even if the target saves, just not as potent effect
DnD 4e didn't really have spells, everything was just powers you could use at will, once an encounter or daily
Its good for a system to play in turn not to overwhelm the GM. Everything is very stringent and only one or two actions happen per person.
For a Videogame?Its super terrible. Combat in Divinity was so so much better,felt more fluid and you felt like you could do much more interaction with eniroment
I've kinda started to feel the same. Literally, everything is pass or fail, which just feels bad. Especially when they add absurd limitations?
Me on my way to use my level 8th spell slot to cast feeblemind (the target passed the save so nothing happens, and I can't cast another big spell for a day)
Or maybe I just don't understand the systems well enough but I played 200 hours lol
Like a third of the spells are designed to make the target skip their turn, which is an insane thing to allow to happen, so you have to make it a coin flip
Or you could just not do that
I tend to supplement with using scrolls as much as I can
Half casters are fine tho, paladin is already cracked.
Paladins are goated
Also honorable mention to the SW5E project that took almost everything tedious or unbalances about 5e and made it better and more fun, even if you play non-SW content.
But seriously, any system can be fun. I still like Pathfinder 1E, personally, with all its warts, but no one will let me be a player because of the characters I make.😆
Buuuuut, yeah. D&D has a ton of issues that make it an uninteresting system for me now.
Every spell is either dogshit or broken as hell and has to be balanced by some stupid mechanic that just blanks it
Baldurs gate 3 only barely makes this bearable by letting you long rest almost whenever you want
Just make the spells less strong Jesus Christ!!
DnD 4e didn't really have spells, everything was just powers you could use at will, once an encounter or daily
Agreed PF2 is surprisingly good though.
And while 4e definitely had a bit of jank it definitely had a lot of good ideas that have been huge inspirations for other ttrpgs
* Martial vs caster imbalance gone
* Save or suck spells gone
* Boring 1st level characters gone
* Broken multiclassing gone
* Encounter balancing that actually works
For a Videogame?Its super terrible. Combat in Divinity was so so much better,felt more fluid and you felt like you could do much more interaction with eniroment
Bring me back to 2.5 😂
Tho I think 3rd party writers like loot tavern, and kobold press know the system waaaay better than wizards ever could.
Me on my way to use my level 8th spell slot to cast feeblemind (the target passed the save so nothing happens, and I can't cast another big spell for a day)
Maybe one day I'll get to play something different again :D