i bought the ddj flx4 from pioneer that a few of my friends who dj rec'd to me and honestly it's a pretty good beginner controller for ppl who wanna learn how to dj like myself. i do agree that it's important for ppl who are starting out to start small and traktor is a good rec for sure!
i also recommend buying used equipment when u can (ex. used gear from guitar center, https://reverb.com, etc.), esp if u feel like getting a ddj is the best fit for u based on what fx/functions ur looking for in a controller. imo, the flx4 pretty much has everything u need for $300.
i honestly regret my ddj400 kinda a lot, even for a 'budget' controller it wasnt cheap and both faders + knobs i use a lot feel like, very bad no matter how much i deep clean it all internally
damn i typed this like shit, tired+in vr my bad, but yeah just for example i've never travelled w/ it, i keep it in a closed cupboard, never spilled anything in it, yet before every set i HAVE to deep contact clean & air dust the faders else they'll jitter/drop out in use mid set, without fail
and it was doing this after like a year of use, i barely ever even do like chopping with the faders or anything crazy with it, it just doesn't hold up at all imo, their higher end models could be better but yeah when people ask me i try to steer them away from ddj400/flx4 just based on my exp 🤷
Yeah it’s shocking how poorly they’re made imo
Traktors can be bad for the same price used and are built like metal tanks I’ve never broken anything on any of mine and I’ve literally taken them cross country multiple times without a case, just shoved into my backpack
I massively prefer Traktor too but what should they do once it's time to perform IRL? >.> I was completely thrown off by how CDJs work and they're the only reason I'm looking at pioneer gear now
Depends on your goals, but if you want to use Traktor with the "club standard" booth setup but not use the CDJs you could grab a Kontrol X1 and connect your laptop to the club mixer. It'll hook up via USB to a Pioneer 900, A9, or Xone 96.
Also consider booking a studio session for practice on CDJs.
They’re the same price if not cheaper via used market, they’re significantly higher build quality and won’t disintegrate at the lightest touch, and the software isn’t held together with paper clips and duct tape 🥹 stop condemning new djs to headaches and failing gear please I beg u
the problem is literally only the fact that cdjs are what you’re gonna be playing on in a club. the consistency from home to club alone is enough to forego a better product at home. not enough to make people tour w an S4 when they could just bring a usb.
my old s4 survived multiple cross country trips with no case, MULTIPLE beers and drinks spilled on it and it was a tank. I now have an s8 and its even tankier.
Yeah my s2mk3 and s4mk2 have survived cross country just being shoved into my bag, both still kicking with no issues or dents or anything, same for my x-1
YESSS I say this over and over I started on a S2 mk3 and it was the best decision ever. Traktor pro 4 also fixed like all of the issues I had with traktor pro 3 toooo- I should so go back to it as a 2ch setup. Vdj has been very reliable and great to integrate other stuff into a well!!!!
my NI controllers have served me well. Having moved from DJing with Ableton Live to Traktor, the Remix Decks are an amazing tool if you are an artist or you live remix. If you don't mind a non standard layout the S5 is criminally underrated.
Traktors can be bad for the same price used and are built like metal tanks I’ve never broken anything on any of mine and I’ve literally taken them cross country multiple times without a case, just shoved into my backpack
Also consider booking a studio session for practice on CDJs.
traktor was because I was able to get an xdj
Any recommendations for a deck that feels similar, but is made for Traktor? I use the performance pads a lot for buildups