I sketched more stuff but for today. let's leave it like this for today... this sketch came to me as a dream (omw back home today from class I saw a person running while it was pouring and my knee hurting because of humidity so i thought of them as coruñeses and I KNOW victor would hate it here)
They’re adorable, Neri 💖✨ hope you’re doing well. The start of the year has been crazy busy for me with work and life, but I hope we can catch up soon 💖 (I’ve read what you sent on discord) - send you hugs 🫂
GRACIÑAS CIN!! y aaaah I am I am, just lot's of things going on y estoy hiper liade! Y aaah mucho ánimo con todo cin!! espero que estés bien y los días sean más tranquilos ahora!!! y aaah te escribiré un día de estos si quieres! hugs back!! lovely to read this reply made my day 💟!!! (aún