Ok, I've had a change of opinion on something...
Metroid Prime 4 should be a launch title for Switch 2!
Now that we can presume that the new Mario Kart is a launch title I think it just makes sense. MK will be super fun and basically everyone will buy it...
Metroid Prime 4 should be a launch title for Switch 2!
Now that we can presume that the new Mario Kart is a launch title I think it just makes sense. MK will be super fun and basically everyone will buy it...
MP4 will also look phenomenal with some Switch 2 upgrades and can be the go to for "Look at what Switch 2 can do!"...
And then, the beautiful cherry on top, we already know MP4 is coming to Switch 1 so the 100 million + users who don't upgrade straight away can still have that new thing to play!