What do you make of this case so far? And what do you think of the theories from our experts Ciarán O’Keeffe and Evelyn Hollow🤔💭?
Let me know YOUR thoughts, questions and theories - how can we explain what is going on?
Let me know YOUR thoughts, questions and theories - how can we explain what is going on?
I was just as impressed by the Brigid's Cross. (Was this only filmed at the beginning of this month?)
More people with no connection to Julian have see the Shadow Man.....
Are there any reports of it from before Julian's sightings? Were there any from before Julian's father used the ouija board in the house?
You say the possible candidate for the old man, Joseph, lived a few doors down.
Are you sure of that? Could the houses have been renumbered if any were demolished, like in a season 1 case?
Definitely something odd going on....
I'm not saying that Angela didn't have a ghost, but the sceptic should, vehemently.