Trump is still bat shit crazy. So he will probably continue to post attacks on people who are more intelligent, ethical, and sane than he could ever hope to be. Heard it said “stupid is as stupid does”. Seems like same stuff, same corrupt administration.
Trump’s psychopathology on display. He cannot be happy that he won. He must punish anyone and anything he believes is against him. That is his worldview; enemies everywhere. 🤦🏻♀️
Two things I’m not seeing anyone talk about
The pardoning of the capital rioters and the ripple effects of that ( I can’t even fathom who else might get pardoned)
They are already signaling plans to revisit their beliefs that the 2020 election was stolen.
Looks like Maggie Haberman has really gotten under the convicted felon’s skin. There is no one Trump hates more than a woman of superior intelligence. We should all follow her.
He is controlling the narrative, it works for the right. The more they attack the media the more the media tries to show how they’re not covering him unfairly. All you have to do is see how little voters know that happened in the last four yrs to see that he is wrong but it works
He was a literally the most narcissistic human. I can tell you the NYTimes is losing readership because of their fail promoting him.
Top of paper former guy. Hidden below opinion anti TFG. Could they have done more? Yes like all the media remove the paywall and let the less educated get educated
The good news here is, Maggie Haberman absolutely has this coming. She's spent years acting as his court scribe, sane-washing him for the public, and cashing in on her access.
Exactly! It makes it imperative that the false information is called out immediately, on the same platforms, every time. Having lies normalized put us in this place.
I got your apology right here! So sorry you clawed your way onto the national stage; sorry we live in a world where anyone thinks YOU were ever a qualified candidate even for crossing guard let alone the most high-profile, deserving of Integrity, Decency, Honesty, Intelligence office in America!
at first i thought someone else composed this..grammar is almost coherent but he spelled maggot wrong and rant at the end is more like him. maybe he used AI to write this? he forgot to mention that his "record" margin was one of the lowest.
Teflon Don has escaped justice one too many times BUT karma has no expiration date and I do believe that something will happen to him that is so severe. And we will rejoice. That thought is what keeps me going.
Guess he doesn't care. Oh, well, under the bus with them, then.
Trumplethinskin at it again.
The pardoning of the capital rioters and the ripple effects of that ( I can’t even fathom who else might get pardoned)
They are already signaling plans to revisit their beliefs that the 2020 election was stolen.
I’m treating re-establishment of The Resistance as a fun thing.
Top of paper former guy. Hidden below opinion anti TFG. Could they have done more? Yes like all the media remove the paywall and let the less educated get educated
Couldn't care less about her.
What an embarrassment that our country voted this into the most powerful position in the free world.
250 years of building the greatest country in the World and then we elect a shit sandwich…..twice
Adult the fuck up, dude. You're an grown ass man, allegedly anyway. Stop being such a whiny little bitch.
He's bitching about fact checking when he didn't want to be fact checked. Crybaby bitch
I hope the clicks were worth it.
B: The election was only “The most consequential” because he was in it!
C: We must all hope tfg finishes the entire 4yr term.Otherwise,we’re stuck with the weirdo Vance for the remainder +possibly 2more terms.