If we spend the next four years shouting “I told you so” at people, they’re either going to dig in or disengage. We need people to reengage and join us. They’re getting screwed too, and we can’t afford to turn anybody away—even if it makes you feel superior.
Reposted from
Mike Nellis
I strongly agree with Leah here 👇
BTW, this isn't a new thing. I converted on 2012.
You don't get to 'forgive' Hatefulness and a desire to HARM on behalf of THE HATED and those targeted for harm.
That's NOT 'morality'; its NOT a 'moral high-ground' -- its ur yt PRIVILEGE.
Its a yt man's ARROGANCE.
But people are pissed at Trump who voted for him and I want folks to understand the FUCK YOU mentality sets us back.
( Heather Cox Richardson)
Sunday Feb 2 in her talk on Facebook. Talk to Republicans about this because they don’t see this on Fox - our assignment today.
Except those of us who voted uncommitted in the primary and had to wait for Biden to “beat Medicare” in the debate before a real adult could come into run.
You turned away SO MANY voters that you thought you could afford to lose, and now we have Trump.
You can’t inflame the public about what the admin is doing and still have pity on the people who caused this.
You’re actively gaslighting the communities that are being erased. Welcoming them into the tent is pushing me out by virtue of the fact they want me dead.
We just need to get the remaining 40% who didn’t vote to vote.
But I think an offer of amends-making is a reasonable ask.
“Welcome to the resistance. How will you help?”
These people knew exactly what they were voting for.
Just be wary that repentance requires more than an “I’m sorry” it requires a rejection of who the person was before. Encourage that “metanoia” moment where they choose to begin anew.
2) We will not have free elections in 4 years so that point is moot.
No, the Leopards ate my face crowd knew they were voting to screw LGBTQs. Fuck em.
Trans ppl don't have 4 years. They may not have 4 months at this rate.