Submit your Original Characters (ONLY) and pitch their personalities to us.
These two idiots will go through submissions on stream and at the end 2 lucky OCs will be selected to be drawn!!
Make sure to follow the youtube channel WhateverseMedia.
Submit your Original Characters (ONLY) and pitch their personalities to us.
These two idiots will go through submissions on stream and at the end 2 lucky OCs will be selected to be drawn!!
Make sure to follow the youtube channel WhateverseMedia.
The guy is pretty chill.
He considers himself to be realistic but admits that there's nothing wrong with a little optimism. His hobbies include parkour, tending to a collection of Zen gardens and vinyl collection.
A vinyl copy of Rainn Barrows' GR_Y (an in-universe stand-in of Frank Ocean's Blond).
His first pair of running shoes he got when he was 14.
A specialized Zen garden made in collaboration between his parents and his friend group for his 21st birthday.