MUST WATCH: New US policies seen across Europe as surrender to Russia, comparable to Chamberlain's capitulation of Sudetenland to Hitler and even the secret Molotov-Ribbentrop alliance between Stalin & Hitler.
No faith US would honor Article 5.
No faith US would honor Article 5.
It will always depend on which way the wind currently blows.
They may be part of the solution, or they may not, however they can never be the solution.
Presently it looks like they are not any part of it.
Europe should not trust America.
We are no longer America.
We have become Nazi America.
Just like Nazi Germany, only starting with a different minority to oppress and exterminate.
The U.S. Department of Treasury ATF Bureau of has custody of records pertaining U.S. citizens' license application and legal firarms ownership information.
Trump actively threatens to invade Nato allies.
The US military will not obey those russian moles
It's time.
A good start is the NB8+UK collaboration in the Baltic Sea.
Plan for that now, not later