What strikes me every time is the modernity of this country! No risk of fuel shortages or power outages, so 100% reliability and efficiency! We have lessons to learn
Yes. It was just starting to really get to them. The sanctions. But now America will make sure they’ll be fine, it’s a matter of time before they open relations and release sanctions. All this to support a country with an economy smaller than Italy and all thanks to propaganda and lies
Who needs windows on a 10-story building when oligarchs can fall off from the sky?
for snack time.
It is a lot more durable, and expensive, than the stuff found around Possum Lodge!
I know that duct tape is not shiny.
🤗Wasn’t sure if anyone would get the reference to Red Green🇨🇦
I also used to love the Smith and Smith show that he did with his wife before Red Green.
The 'Harold' actor went to my sister's high school.