The TikToks are already starting, from what I gather. The first chunks are from Trump voters who are dependent on the ACA and didn’t realize that Obamacare was literally the same thing…there’s even ppl who don’t remember that the name Obamacare was made up by Republicans to try to discredit it.
Vote with your dollars people don't support the big box stores that support him, and do your research for the mom and pop shops. Fix your car, rent your parents house, reduce, reuse, recycle. Don't give them an inch.
I second the never, I knew a trumper who died of covid literally seething that the hospital acknowledged it and told her that with your poor health you ARE dying and it's from this traceable virus. They can stay mad and pay out the ass.
Never! Many of them will take it to the grave. Admitting the mistake would cause their cognitive dissonance to suddenly stop, and much like a passenger without a seatbelt, their brain would come crashing through their skull