🤫Breakfast Buzzies🥴
While searching for a “change”, I stumbled upon a poorly secured chest with the words “KEEP OUT” on it. After peeking inside, cleverly hidden within its confines was Mister Buzzy. Naturally curiosity to see if any Buzzies could penetrate my soaked morning Huggies won!
While searching for a “change”, I stumbled upon a poorly secured chest with the words “KEEP OUT” on it. After peeking inside, cleverly hidden within its confines was Mister Buzzy. Naturally curiosity to see if any Buzzies could penetrate my soaked morning Huggies won!
Youre right!
MitAsWell have your name on it!
Who can tell...
You can read the warning butt
dont unnerstand it?
Bet the squishy lining soaked up the buzz, didnt it...
not that i have any knowing bout that adultery stuff myself...