🌋 This week we cover a hot topic in the community! Auto imports in @vuejs.org @nuxt.com and @nitro.build
Not only pros & cons, but also how to disable them, how to add them in plain Vue projects and what the future holds for them.
Of course, I also share my own opinion & recommendation!
Out now!
Not only pros & cons, but also how to disable them, how to add them in plain Vue projects and what the future holds for them.
Of course, I also share my own opinion & recommendation!
Out now!
lately I've been flirting with @nuxt.com more I believe I'll spend some extra time in your channel 😉
Uhh, great!
Let me know if you come across anything on your @nuxt.com journey that looks odd, could be documented better or just needs more context 🔥
So thanks for offering, I feel a bit more polite about it now 🤣
My very detailed thoughts, deep dive + examples here:
just my $0.02: what i missed being mentioned is that there's also tooling outside IDE LSP conveniences such as linters and whatnot that may struggle with auto-imports, especially when they're bringing their own module resolver (eg knip)
as long as tooling understands TS, it's good (though I realise there are of course edge cases)
reminds me that I have a few knip plugins to write!
(looking forward to it!)
For almost all the benefits and none of the confusion, you can use code folding. If you're using vscode you can enable foldingImportsByDefault
And nvim + treesitter you can write an expr for it