With a book in hand and his map plastered
On the wall the jester clapped! He’d mastered
The art of changing names that dastardly
Map maker would never think flattery
And pretty letters would still distract him!
The jester found another book to skim.
O! O! The Jester Reigns!
On the wall the jester clapped! He’d mastered
The art of changing names that dastardly
Map maker would never think flattery
And pretty letters would still distract him!
The jester found another book to skim.
O! O! The Jester Reigns!
This time he would not lose! He would cage
The mapmaker and stop them from making
All of these maps! How dare they keep taking
His books behind his back to rename seas!
It’s Silly! Silly Sea! Could no one see?
O! O! The Jester Reigns!
To sink in the Silly Sea but that day
The jester opened yet another book
He barely even had to truly look
For Great Sea was so neatly scrawled there too!
The mapmaker was everywhere he knew!
O! O! The Jester Reigns!
The Jester held a knife to their throat irked
That the mapmaker had still bested him
“Why do you do this? Is it on a whim?”
The jester hissed, “You stop changing my maps!”
The mapmaker shook, sure this was a trap.
O! O! The Jester Reigns!
And fix each map,” The mapmaker whimpered.
“No you are a tricky thing changing maps
When I’m not looking. I’ll see you dead!” Wap!
Went the knife and soon the mapmaker died
“Find me a mapmaker who will not lie!”
O! O! The Jester Reigns!
His blood ran cold as ice when he did look
And found the Great Sea still scrawled very plain
On the map. In tens of books each the same!
The Mapmaker’s lies were haunting him still!
He’d hire yet another with better skill.
O! O! The Jester Reigns!
And near but the Great Sea familiar
Poured across his pages only his map
Was right! Only his map! Not these bad scraps!
No new charts were made as mappers were slain
The Great Sea on paper would e’er remain.
O! O! The Jester Reigns!