“Who needs schools, water, and all of that food,
When gold will do? They’ll never be so rude
As to steal from me again!” Jester roared.
Then the king promptly walked into his door.
“Ow!” he said, “Where’s the guard who opened this?”
“You fired him,” said a Spy. “He was dismissed.”
When gold will do? They’ll never be so rude
As to steal from me again!” Jester roared.
Then the king promptly walked into his door.
“Ow!” he said, “Where’s the guard who opened this?”
“You fired him,” said a Spy. “He was dismissed.”
“Then one of you must now open my doors,”
the jester declared. “A king,” he now swore,
“Does not do that.” At dinner the wine
Was quite sour. “This wine cannot be mine.”
“You fired the man who tends the wine cellar.”
“Then you will be the new basement dweller.”
And on and on it went the Silly Spies
Became footmen, servants, those who advise.
They made mistakes: silly secrets were sent
Across seas, Food rot in fields as rains went
The schools shut down and the sick stayed at home
The kingdom of silly rot to the stones!
And the jester had to pay more for wine
And much more for clothes both silken and fine
His food was brought in from neighboring lands
His trinkets and jewels were all just as grand
When he saw his pile of gold was still low
“O! O! I’ve been robbed,” the jester bellowed.