Lies don’t spread because they’re accurate.
They spread because they’re emotional.
Outrage. Fear. Belonging.
Disinformation is designed to feel true. That’s why it works.
Let’s understand how emotion overpowers facts—and how we can fight back. #Voices4Victory #DemVoice1 #USDemocracy #ProudBlue
Lies don’t spread because they’re accurate.
They spread because they’re emotional.
Outrage. Fear. Belonging.
Disinformation is designed to feel true. That’s why it works.
Let’s understand how emotion overpowers facts—and how we can fight back. #Voices4Victory #DemVoice1 #USDemocracy #ProudBlue
"Truth needs more than evidence—it needs a pulse."
Quotable doesn't hurt either!
When a message hits you emotionally, it sticks. You remember it. Share it. Act on it. Fear and anger light up the brain—and make info seem urgent. That’s why disinfo isn’t boring. It’s crafted to make you feel like the world is ending. Every. Single. Day. #EmotionalTruth
Studies show content that triggers emotion—especially moral outrage—is far more likely to go viral. Lies often win not because they’re convincing, but because they make you feel something strong and immediate. And once emotion kicks in, logic takes a back seat.
Disinformation spreads like marketing:
• Simple
• Visual
• Personal
• Emotional
That’s why memes outperform articles and lies outrun corrections. They package feelings, not facts. And the brain eats it up. #TruthNeedsEmotion #MessagingMatters
Truth often loses because it’s delivered like a lecture. Charts, stats, disclaimers—when people need a story. If you want truth to land, it has to be vivid, human, and real. Data is essential—but people follow emotionally resonant narratives. #MakeTruthStick
This doesn’t mean manipulating people. It means honoring how we process reality. To beat lies, truth must feel urgent too. Show who’s being hurt. Show what’s at stake. Truth needs more than evidence—it needs a pulse. #TruthWithEmotion #FightDisinfo
If we want people to believe the truth, we must help them feel the truth.
Emotion isn’t the enemy of reason.
It’s the doorway to it.
Use it wisely, and truth spreads.
Ignore it, and the lie wins. Use emotion to tell stories that resonate w/people
#DisinfoPsychology #EmotionalTruth #AllTheyDoIsLie