Trump really should one-up Zelensky and resign right now… that would teach him who is the best leader! The real leader is not the one who says he “will” resign, but the who does… right DonnyDon?
Whom ever told him it would is lying. EVEN IF Putin made an agreement to stop bombing, if he stepped down, as soon as he resigned, Putin will bomb again, as now Ukraine is weaker.
The conservative victory and the comfortable absolute majority, including the SPD votes, give Ukraine a huge and deep breath of fresh air, which is strengthened by the confirmed support of the rest of its European allies. Trump and Putin see their pretentious pseudo ‘peace plans’ falter.
One is a former comedian that has led his embattled Country against incredible odds for 3 years from a tyrant.
The other is a pathetic joke who tried Quid quo pro on Zelenskyy originally, now he is using extortion. Trump is Putin's errand boy, with no leadership qualities at all!
Whom ever told him it would is lying. EVEN IF Putin made an agreement to stop bombing, if he stepped down, as soon as he resigned, Putin will bomb again, as now Ukraine is weaker.
Do NOT step down, that solves nothing.
The other is a pathetic joke who tried Quid quo pro on Zelenskyy originally, now he is using extortion. Trump is Putin's errand boy, with no leadership qualities at all!
the FBI is threatening American citizens