It was one of the things that made me stop playing was that I got extremely frustrated by what seemed like on paper a cool feature. I don't think it's you that sucks. I think it's just badly designed.
Ahhhh, I find it very fun but it can be frustrating. Even if you don't love your ships you make some great modules though--and isn't it the inside that counts? 😆
I like optimising the ships I'm given, the Kepler is my favourite). I'm just bad at designing them and I find it cumbersome to design when all the parts are acquired in different parts of the galaxy so I never went to like Taiyo or Deimos, you know? XD So I don't even know all the parts that exist.
Kepler-S is pretty great, and we designed it! 😆 Lol a lot of major ports stock the manufacturers but there are those specialized pieces. I do make the rounds though, especially to Titan and Stroud 😅
When I see something that is not intuitive, I see that as a failure of design, not a failure of the user.
You don't need to agree I just wanted to clarify.
I turned an Abyss Trecker - Class C into a giant flying scorpion.