An oath is sworn to defend and uphold the constitution of the United States of America. Nowhere does it mention the president, one man. You can't execute orders that you KNOW violate that oath or the constitution. You know what is morally and ethically right and wrong. "I was just following orders"
didn't play well at the Nuremberg trials, and it won't work here when the rule of law is restored. This is an incredibly difficult position to be placed in, but at the end of the day, you must trust your conscience and moral compass.
Not in the military, never was, and I am seeing the same signs. How many soldiers, sailors, and marines are willing to refuse illegal orders? What would happen if more than 50% do?
“How do we protect the constitution and obey the orders of the president?”
You don’t, you protect the constitution at all costs, even if it’s against orders. Military officers, commander in chief included, are fallible and can issue illegal orders. This is not the time for blind faith.
You don’t, you protect the constitution at all costs, even if it’s against orders. Military officers, commander in chief included, are fallible and can issue illegal orders. This is not the time for blind faith.