I want the two years of my life back where I had to work two jobs to pay back money I never owed. My kids were 8 and 10 at the time, and they needed me. Received $17k back that was my money to begin with, but $500 in comp for giving up my children. I think not.
Time is ticking on Brereton & he has had 16 months TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT! The victims of Robedrbt deserve to be heard & the perpetrators deserve to face justice!
C'mon Pete -he doesn't deserve a chance to cleanse himself
What he did first is what & who he is
If you or I were before the court or even our peers for some gross indiscretion, do YOU expect to just rub out the wrong answer & replace it?
I don’t believe he deserves a second chance, but until he resigns or is replaced, he MUST DO THE JOB HE WAS HITED TO DO! Btw, I am sending you a follow 😊
i know you don't, I was just being my strident self
Just so over these turkeys we've been subjected to lately, be it Sofronoff or even now they're casting aspersion on Catherine Holmes
I understand your pain, it is very infuriating how, we are dold mushroom fertiliser & told, it is good for us. We are much more intelligent than what we’re given credit for.
People in highly paid positions making these so called errors of judgement being allowed to ‘put things right’, instead of facing consequences. This is so popular 🙄
Not quite that easy, although it should be possible to get sufficient Senate cross-bench support (unless a chamber "praying" to the Governor General means some form of super-majority is needed)
Not going there, but it should be pretty obvious that it's a bit counter to the public having confidence in an anti-corruption body if its senior people mismanage conflict of interest in relation to assessing referrals from a Royal Commissioner.
Brereton can't put things right by staying on.
It is because of his efforts to subvert justice that the public has no faith in the toothless tiger established by the two party system to ensure nothing changes & deception continues.
That was the reason Brereton was chosen.
Nothing can be "put right" until the NACC can hold hearings for public viewing. Nothing else will bring any trust back, even if Mr Brereton was to resign. It was designed to be flawed from the beginning with the ALP doing a deal with the Coalition.
Australia is stupid enough to go through with this countless times until everyone forgets why we started it.
Same principle tRumps lawyers work on; baffle them with 🐂 💩
How do you put things right when no one trusts him? Every time they make a decision people are going to be incredibly sceptical & distrustful of the decision
Paul Bereton says "‘blame culture’ deters people from owning mistakes as he insists watchdog will not be influenced by public pressure".
It seems to me the justice system in democracies isnt prepared to deal fairly with the rich and powerful.
It appears to be slowed to a glacial pace that does not provide timely justice.
It's funny how all of the senior people can't up in Robodebt actually believe that they are the biggest victim, with no mention that the poor people caught up in it weren't offered the same excuses. He says "... blamed leaders for a poor public-sector integrity culture" without a sense of irony.
What he did first is what & who he is
If you or I were before the court or even our peers for some gross indiscretion, do YOU expect to just rub out the wrong answer & replace it?
Just so over these turkeys we've been subjected to lately, be it Sofronoff or even now they're casting aspersion on Catherine Holmes
The only reason he wants a go-around is to keep his job -not do the right thing
He's from a previous era as demonstrated by his lack of self awareness
Sack the fucker.
#NACC #auspol
He is corrupt.
But he is corrupt.
It's exasperating
They never concede to failing.
It is because of his efforts to subvert justice that the public has no faith in the toothless tiger established by the two party system to ensure nothing changes & deception continues.
That was the reason Brereton was chosen.
What a pathetic statement to make as some sort of defence. He has to go.
Same principle tRumps lawyers work on; baffle them with 🐂 💩
It appears to be slowed to a glacial pace that does not provide timely justice.
Dyson Heydon’s refusal to self-recuse in the RC into the unions.