Well we ALL know that the #MangoMussolini & #SpaceKaren are both nothing more than #PathologicalLIARS! They want all that lovely TAX MONEY for their new #slush fund, called the #SovereignWealthFund that #DiaperDon & #KetamineCowboy can dip into whenever they need a few #Billion for something!
Wrong or right, I will always side with the offending party against Trump. I may not know the complainant, but we all know Trump has mastered the art of lying and falsehoods. He no longer knows or understands the truth even if it’s explained in detail from one of his trusted advisers.
The fact that so many lies have been promulgated, tells all of us that they found no bad, evil, terrible things at all. If they had found even one instance, you know they would have broadcast it widely and repeatedly.
The current 🍊Tin pot dictator wannabe and his minions are exposing the underbelly of the US. Those of us that worked to defeat this corrupt government apologize deeply. Tariff us, sanction us and embargo us. The people who elected him need to feel the pain they have caused. I demand it, please.
Weakened globally, increasingly authoritarian, turned in upon itself.