Can we have a piece of the same scale about how hard it is for the Palestinians EVERY DAY as they are murdered or see their lands levelled and occupied?
I weep no tears for is..ra...hell I do not condone the harm that has been done but I especially do not condone the vicious; petty; cowardly destruction of babies, children, innocent people of Palestine. Nothing, absolutely nothing justifies the cowardly bullies murdering so many.
The barbarians in black couldn't pass up the opportunity to stage a show: no decency, no respect, no feelings for uninvolved victims and their families.
Sadly Gaza has suffered for over a year of Israel killing Palestinians, before that the Nakba in 1947, the illegal settlements, Israeli nuclear weapons, oppression, occupation of Gaza and they moan about the rise of Hamas, which must be recruiting more and more as a result of Netanyahu’s genocide!
17,000 Palestinian children killed by Israel using American supplied bombs, take, weapons and munitions.
A small example of the 'hardest of days' for the Israelis. Do you have any empathy now for the 17,000 ?
2 wrongs don’t make a right.
Again everyone loses here and the violence cycle gets renewed, again
Now do the tens of thousands of Palestinians who have no bodies of their loved ones because of Israel's actions.