Listen girl, this isn't facebook. Here, you're expected to do a little work on your own and the Palestinian Human Rights Organization complains about this ALL THE TIME.
This "girl" is capable of using the internet-been doing so since it was born in the 70s. If Hamas is eating in front of starving hostages, that's one thing but controlling "full warehouses?" Quite another. In addition, I do not support Hamas, but I balk at tarring all Palestine w/the same brush.
Of course not. Hamas' press office can get anywhere it wants and they're not reporting the theft of aid. So, it must not be happening and the rest of the world, including eye-witnesses are part of a Soros paid crisis-actor thing.
I can’t believe in 2025 we humans kill incident people and children and no one can do a thing about it because America has all the money and so called influence. The word is sad.