I see.. and if I say I want to abandon my responsibilities right now and just go with you?
(Feeling the hug back he latches onto the other nuzzling his face into his neck)
..my body does really seem to love being hands on with you
(Which really sealed it for him believing they are truly married
(Feeling the hug back he latches onto the other nuzzling his face into his neck)
..my body does really seem to love being hands on with you
(Which really sealed it for him believing they are truly married
..my head does hurt a little bit
(He murmured into Hua Cheng's ear, holding him to himself, as he opened an array to take them both to his island.)
Then it's settled. You do have a helper who will handle the business matters until you are better. -
(Once they were inside Nether Water Manor, he kissed the top of the other's head, sending a few bone fishes to fetch the tea for Hua Cheng.) -
My body loves you in more ways? What other ways..?
(He blinked for a moment before drinking the tea while still clinging to him refusing to let go)
…will you be joining me then? I seem to not want to let you go for anything
(He smirked softly, showing clearly it's not a big deal since they were - supposed to be - married and all that.)
I'm sure you've noticed yourself - you dislike contact but with closest to you, and who but me is the closest one to you, really~