My relationship with spoilers is so weird. Just got a major spoiler for Wind and Truth by a random unmarked comment, and I don't really care?
I used to care a lot when I was younger, but these days, my immediate thought is "oh that sounds interesting. I can't wait to see how they do that."
I used to care a lot when I was younger, but these days, my immediate thought is "oh that sounds interesting. I can't wait to see how they do that."
I enjoy authentically experiencing media, but damn if I’m not going to click on a thumbnail or spoiler tag 😭
The full details are still interesting
Like, give me an unmarked spoiler for One Piece, and I might be your mortal enemy, but spoil me a Dragon Ball plot, and I'll be like "Bummer. Anyways..."
I guess it's fitting in this case because the books' whole ethos is "journey before destination."
If you haven’t seen Knives Out I highly recommend it. Some people don’t like it because it “spoils” the murder early on but it shows WHAT happened but not WHY.