12/13 Zoomhain - 80s what else
Covid-Cautious Clubbing from Berlin
You wanna live like it's 2019? Well f*ck that, let's go back to the 80s...
Music: Guess what - 80s❤️
12/13 EST 3:30pm CEST 9:30pm
Zoomlink via DM
Micro off, Camera as you wish
#ThirstMasking #CovidIsNotOver #covidcautious #MaskUp
Covid-Cautious Clubbing from Berlin
You wanna live like it's 2019? Well f*ck that, let's go back to the 80s...
Music: Guess what - 80s❤️
12/13 EST 3:30pm CEST 9:30pm
Zoomlink via DM
Micro off, Camera as you wish
#ThirstMasking #CovidIsNotOver #covidcautious #MaskUp