A legend died today.
In his memory, how about a heartwarming heme #skeetorial? #hemesky #nerdalert
Today the world lost the man with the "golden arm"
In his memory, how about a heartwarming heme #skeetorial? #hemesky #nerdalert
Today the world lost the man with the "golden arm"
He donated blood almost weekly for 60 years, and in that time helped save the lives of >2.4 million Australian babies!
It all goes back to alloimmunization, a problem in pregnancy whereby mothers develop antibodies against certain antigens on their child's red blood cell.
(although technically the Rh system consists of 48 antigens, with the most common being D, C, c, E, and e) 4/n
By 38 days gestation, the D antigen is present on RBCs. Unlike most other antigens, it is only present on RBCs.
This can occur through transplacental fetomaternal bleeding (virtually all), injection with contaminated needles, inadvertent transfusion or D-mismatched stem cell transplant.
These RBCs are then phagocytized by macrophages in the fetal spleen.
What will happen now without him? Do we have others with his traits willing to donate or newer medical treatments?